Responsible Physician Dr. Katerina Kyriakou Dermatologist - Venereologist Dermatosurgery involves the diagnosis and treatment of medical conditions and cosmetic disorders of the skin, hair, nails, veins, mucous membranes and adjacent tissues, using various surgical, reconstructive, cosmetic and non-surgical methods and techniques. The purpose of skin surgery is to restore and improve the functionality and aesthetic appearance of the skin tissue, or often a combination of them.Dermatological surgery is a branch that is fast developing mainly due to the fact that the potential of innovative tools and equipment of modern technology are increasing and they are an excellent tool in the hands of the dermatosurgeon.Surgical excision is the first choice in malignant skin lesions. However, removal is also desirable in many cases of benign skin lesions such as: papillomas, sebaceous hyperkeratosis, angiomas, warts, lipomas, dermoid cysts, hypertrophic scars, etc. which can be treated with skin surgery, providing excellent aesthetic results.Today, most dermatological surgeries are minimally invasive and require only local or regional anesthesia. This means that patients are safer, while at the same time their recovery and downtime is significantly reduced. They are mainly carried out in the interventional area of the doctor's surgery and usually last less than half an hour.Before the skin surgery, a thorough examination and evaluation of the lesion is performed using modern diagnostic methods and the use of an electronic dermatoscope.After the skin surgery, there is a re-examination at a set time to remove any stitches and re-check.Lesions removed by skin surgery are sent to a pathology laboratory for histopathological examination.Some of the skin surgery techniques applied by Dr. Katerina Kyriakou are cryosurgery, electrosurgery (diathermocoagulation or electrocautery), laser technology, injectable treatments (e.g. Meditoxin injection to treat wrinkles), Rf (radio frequencies), chemical peeling, antiaging treatments, etc.