Acne Responsible Physician Dr. Katerina Kyriakou Dermatologist - Venereologist Acne is one of the most common inflammatory skin diseases, which usually appears during adolescence. It is estimated to affect about 85% of adolescents and usually subsides in the early years of adulthood. However, there is a percentage of adults, mainly women, who have acne either as a continuation of adolescence, or because they developed it in old age, even after 30 years of age.Acne is mainly found on the face, back, shoulders and chest. One of its main causes is oiliness and sebum, which clog the tiny hair follicles and thus the pores. A consequence of this blockage is the growth of bacteria, resulting in the appearance of pimples, blackheads or even cysts.What factors cause acne? Hormonal disordersFamily history (heredity)Psychological factorsUse of certain drugs (lithium, androgens, etc.)Fatty and edible cosmetics and topical preparationsUse of anabolic and various drugsClimatic conditionsWays of dealing with:The treatment is divided into three categories: a) local, b) systemic (by taking drugs orally) and c) invasive (peeling with fruit acids, chemical peeling, etc.). There are many types of acne (comedogenic, pustular, papulopustular, cystic, etc.) and a different treatment is needed for each case.How are post-acne scars treated?In some cases, when acne clears up, scars remain. In these cases, various operations are performed to improve the appearance. Such operations are chemical peeling, Fractional laser CO2, MMtherapy-Boosters of stem cells, vampire therapy, dermabrasion, Rf (radio frequencies), etc.What are the possible consequences of not timely medical treatment of acne? Evolution of mild acne to severeCreating more scarsLong duration of the diseaseProlonged treatmentMore serious treatmentBurden on the patient's psychological state.